Green tea with CBD herbs


CBD Green Tea
is an herbal blend designed for making delicious tea. It is based on green tea, which is infused with a mixture of herbs used in folk medicine to stimulate both physical and mental activity of the human organism. The blend is enriched with an infusion of beneficial CBD, and contains intoxicating THC at the legal limit (trace amounts).
Package contents:
The package contains a bag with tea and cannabis mix with a total content of 50g
Green tea “Gunpowder temple of heaven”, hemp blend
Country of origin:
China, Italy.


cbd tea - green
Green tea with CBD herbs 120.00

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CBD green tea

A strong taste with a light hemp caress awaits curious tasters. The brand new Gunpowder green tea with hemp blend probably won’t stay in our offer for long. It’s a favourite with all those who find it hard to get up in the morning. And frankly – we’re one of those sleepers. So don’t hesitate to add Green Tea with Hemp to your basket. The temple of heavenly pleasures will not disappoint!

Navázání na Tradici

Vracíme se k dávným postupům, prvek byl základním kamenem tradiční lidové medicíny pro své protizánětlivé vlastnosti, poskytující úlevu od žaludečních křečí. Obohacený o vynikající konopné listy bohaté na CBD, se tento bylinkový mix stává posilovačem vašeho života, harmonizuje všechny tělesné funkce a vdechuje nezbytnou rovnováhu pro váš aktivní a spokojený život.

Zázračný Čaj

Konopný čaj je ideálním společníkem pro náročná odpoledne a večery, poskytuje útočiště relaxace pro tělo i mysl po bouřlivém dni. Je známý svými silnými uklidňujícími vlastnostmi a je také oblíbenou volbou pro zlepšení kvality spánku, zajišťující, že je nepřerušovaný a obnovující.

Jako prostředek proti bolesti je konopný čaj vynikající. Proces požití usnadňuje absorpci prospěšných složek rostliny trávicím systémem a játry. Jeho účinky se obvykle začínají projevovat 30 až 90 minut po konzumaci a trvají přibližně 4 až 8 hodin. Vzhledem k jeho postupné účinnosti je konopný čaj zvláště vhodný pro osoby trpící chronickými onemocněními.

Příprava konopného čaje

Vezměte zhruba jednu polévkovou lžíci konopných listů a dejte je do přibližně 250 ml vody. Pokud připravujete větší množství čaje, zvažte přidání půl až celé polévkové lžíce směsi konopí. Nechte čerstvě vařenou vodu chvíli luhovat. Ideální teplota pro louhování je kolem 85°C.

Nechejte čaj luhovat přibližně 5 minut, poté ho sceďte, a můžete si ho vychutnat a začít se uvolňovat.

CBD Green Tea
is an herbal blend designed for making delicious tea. It is based on green tea, which is infused with a mixture of herbs used in folk medicine to stimulate both physical and mental activity of the human organism. The blend is enriched with an infusion of beneficial CBD and contains THC at the legal limit.

Green tea “Gunpowder temple of heaven”, hemp blend

Product Description:
A strong taste with a light hemp caress awaits curious tasters. The brand new Gunpowder green tea with hemp blend probably won’t stay in our offer for long. It’s a favourite with all those who find it hard to get up in the morning. And frankly – we’re one of those sleepers. So don’t hesitate to add Green Tea with Hemp to your basket. The temple of heavenly pleasures will not disappoint!
Infusion and taste of tea
The dark yellow infusion and the lean smoky aroma make it clear that Gunpowder Temple of Heaven is no teapot. The taste is very distinctive, as if enveloped by a pleasant smokiness. The leaves are evenly rolled into tiny beads, so that even on the eye the tea catches the eye and the cannabis adds a subtle bitterness to the tea. Gunpowder is also suitable for iced tea.
Package contents: 

The package contains a green tea and hemp mix of 50 grams.

Green tea is to China’s Zhejiang province what red wine is to Burgundy. Gunpowder (Zhu cha) is one of the traditional teas whose production is given the utmost care. Chinese tea trees (Camellia sinensis) have been cared for by generations of farmers and their art has been passed down from generation to generation. The harvest is always in the hands of women and girls. Their nimble and delicate fingers gently pluck the tea leaves, which they place in large baskets. The harvest must be transported to the processing line relatively quickly. The leaves are first spread out in the sun until they wilt, then roasted in large pans. This stops the oxidation of the enzymes and preserves their green colour and natural aroma. Followed by rolling into neat beads. It is often done by hand. Due to their appearance, the tea probably has its name – Gunpowder or gunpowder. The tea leaves look like gunpowder, and they also develop very quickly after pouring hot water over them – they shoot almost like gunpowder. Thanks to its appearance, Gunpowder can be identified by a tea novice. In the case of Temple of Heaven the petals are very dark green. We can tell their freshness by their shine – old tea has a faint to greyish colour.
Origin of the hemp blend: Italy

Instructions for preparation
Pour water at a temperature of 70-80 °C in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per 1.5-2 dl. To make tea in a teapot, add 1 extra teaspoon. The infusion time is 2-3 minutes (covered cup), then strain.


Additional information

Weight 50 g
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 10 cm