Skvělé pro sportovce
Během fyzických aktivit je naše kůže vystavena škodlivým faktorům, včetně potu, nečistot a bakterií. Toto vystavení je intenzivnější, když na nás působí venkovní elementy jako slunce, vítr nebo extrémní teploty. Zvýšená potřeba kyslíku během cvičení urychluje oxidaci kožních buněk.
Ačkoli pot pomáhá vylučovat toxiny z těla a prospívá kůži, může se stát problémem, pokud jej nesmyjeme včas. Může blokovat póry ve spojení s bakteriemi. Soli obsažené v potu mohou dehydrovat kůži a bez řádné péče mohou urychlit vznik vrásek a jiných kožních problémů.
Výhody CBD
CBD funguje jako silný bojovník proti stresu a úzkosti a je také účinným prostředkem proti bolesti. Je obzvláště prospěšný při řešení bolesti kloubů, chronického nepohodlí, osteoartritidy a bolesti spojené s poraněním páteře. Působí jako preventivní opatření proti zánětu v celém těle a poskytuje úlevu od onemocnění, jako jsou dermatitida a akné.
Fyzická Obnova
Pomáhá urychlit regeneraci a zlepšit odpočinek po fyzickém vypětí. Optimální výkon závisí na kvalitním odpočinku. Také zvyšuje vytrvalost.
Klidný Spánek
Kanabinoidy přítomné v konopí pomáhají podporovat hluboký, klidný spánek a podporují fázi REM (spánek s rychlým pohybem očí). Řeší také různé zdravotní problémy, které mohou narušit kvalitu spánku.
Úplná Rovnováha
Bez ohledu na aktuální zdroje stresu CBD pomáhá snižovat jeho dopad. Řídí úzkost a ovlivňuje hladiny serotoninu v těle, čímž přirozeně podporuje pozitivní náladu.
CBD MCT oil without aroma, CBD 10%, THC <0.3% or <1%. Natural hemp oil with extract from the cannabis plant without psychoactive effects.
CBD olej bez aroma, THC <0,3% nebo <1% , jsou vyráběny špičkovou metodou etanolové extrakce z technického konopí nejvyšší kvality. Náš postup umožňuje zachovat co nejpřirozenější a nejcelistvější kanabinoidní profil rostliny.
We use MIRON GLASS patented biophotonic glass.
Our world is full of miracles. Despite all the impressive scientific discoveries, there is still so much that remains unknown.
Experience the wonder of purple glass for yourself and be amazed by what we can’t yet explain.
Sunlight is considered to be one of the most important resources on Earth. Sunlight is necessary for all living things: plants, animals and humans. However, sunlight can also have a degrading effect. If the natural product – after reaching maturity – continues to be exposed to full sunlight, molecular decomposition is accelerated. The unique properties of MIRON violetglass filter out these more harmful rays of the visible light spectrum and let some of the UVA and infrared light waves in, keeping produce fresher inside for longer.
Přesněji řečeno, MIRON Violetglass umožňuje 25%-45% pronikání světla v rozsahu 380-420 nanometrů (fialová a UVA-frekvence) a asi 60% pronikání v rozsahu 730-1050 nanometrů (infračervená frekvence).
Zdá se, že tyto části světelného spektra energizují organické molekuly produktů uložených uvnitř.
Our unique natural products and creations deserve to be packaged in the best possible packaging. MIRON violetglass can preserve and enhance the quality of our products without the use of artificial preservatives. Some skin care manufacturers have even found that glass prevents the growth of mold in their products without preservatives.
What is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance that belongs to a group of substances called cannabinoids. These are found naturally only in cannabis plants. It is the second most important substance after THC. It does not directly stimulate cannabinoid receptors, it does not have intoxicating effects and, among other things, it can reduce some of the side effects caused by THC. These include short-term memory lapses or anxiety states. Therapeutic potential of CBD Research into the therapeutic potential of CBD has been neglected in the past. However, it is now emerging that its pharmacological effects are very interesting. Some of the scientific research shows that it helps to slow down the aging process and could have a significant impact on the treatment of stroke. It also shows anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic and antidepressant effects. Other areas in which it could be used include the treatment of epilepsy, diabetes, social phobia, schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, multiple sclerosis or as an alternative treatment for cancer.
However, CBD does not cause any intoxicating states compared to THC, because it does not bind to CB1 receptors in the brain and throughout the nervous system. It is THC that binds to these and thus causes psychoactive effects and changes in the mind in users.
Interestingly, CBD reduces the negative effects of THC use and eliminates its potency as well. Numerous studies confirm that it helps with intoxication and people who have used more THC are put on CBD because it buffers its effects.
How to take CBD?
CBD is taken by dripping the recommended amount into the mouth and then swallowing the dose. For starters, we recommend five drops a day, if your body responds well to CBD and you don’t experience any side effects you can continue taking the product. But always taking into account our state of health. Five drops of 10% oil gets 25mg of CBD into you. The optimal daily dose usually ranges between 20-40 mg, depending on weight, metabolic rate or the cause of use (a smaller dose is sufficient as a preventive measure, while a larger dose is recommended for inflammation or illness).
What time of day you choose to use it is up to you. It can be taken in the morning, during the day or in the evening. However, due to the fact that it is a natural hemp extract, it also contains a minimal amount of THC, either < 0.2% or <1% THC, so we recommend not driving or operating machinery for at least 8 hours after taking CBD oil. Our recommendation is to take CBD oil an hour before sleep.
CBD helps with anxiety, insomnia, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, etc. It is not toxic, on the contrary, it protects cells from aging, various poisonings and neurodegenerative disorders.
Proven effects of natural CBD
- antiepileptic – reduces the number of seizures
- anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation and protects against it
- neuroprotective – protects nerve cells and the central nervous system
- antipsychotic – calms symptoms of psychosis
- antidepressant – relieves symptoms of depression
- analgesic – helps to relieve pain
- antidiabetic – contributes to lowering blood sugar levels
- antibacterial – prevents the multiplication of bacteria
- anti-cancer – slows and prevents cancerous growth
- antiischemic – reduces the risk of arterial blockage
- vasorelaxant/antispasmodic – reduces muscle tension and suppresses spasms
- pro-growth – promotes bone growth
- anti-stress – soothes the body, relieves anxiety and the effects of the negative effects of civilization
CBD relieves symptoms
- multiple sclerosis, a chronic disease of the central nervous system
- autism, congenital disorders of childhood mental development
- Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease of the nervous system
- Alzheimer’s disease, a neurodegenerative brain disease
- Huntington’s disease, an inherited neurodegenerative genetic disease
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome, a neurodegenerative brain disorder
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive loss of motor neurons
More info about CBD in our blog: