Pink stonecrop and everything you need to know about it |
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Pink stonecrop and everything you need to know about it

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The pink stonecrop, or Rhodiola rosea, is a flowering plant whose root can be used to combat stress, boost athletic performance and energy, and more. Rhodiola, also known as golden root, arctic root, and royal crown, has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Greek medicine, as well as in Russia, Scandinavia, and other cold mountain regions. Its origins date back to the first century AD. It grows in cold high mountain areas;

What does the pink stonecrop look like?

R. rosea is a perennial plant with a strong rhizome and yellow, fragrant flowers. It grows in sandy soil at high altitudes in the Arctic regions of Europe and Asia, including eastern Siberia. The plant reaches a height of 30 to 76 cm. Unique chemical constituents distinguish R. rosea from other Rhodiola species. While some results look promising, many studies have been small, biased, or flawed. Experts say more research needs to be done to determine how effective Rhodiola rosea is and whether it should be included in treatment plans. In the meantime, Rhodiola rosea has a low risk of side effects and appears to offer some benefits for many of these conditions. Therefore, it may be a natural option worth trying for its putative uses.

History of use

The Greek physician Dioscorides (40-90 AD) first recorded this plant in De Materia Medica and renamed it from Rodia riza to R. rosea, referring to the pink aroma of the freshly cut root. Swedish naturalist Carl Linné (1707-1778) documented the use of R. rosea as an astringent to treat hernia, leucorrhoea, hysteria and headache. For centuries, the plant was used in the Russian Federation and Scandinavia, where most of the research took place. The plant was also used as a hemostatic in Tibetan folk medicine. An extract of R. rosea is registered in the Russian Federation as a human medicinal product. Due to the increased demand for the plant, R. rosea is listed as threatened or endangered in many areas of the world, including parts of the United States.

We will present the benefits and side effects of this adaptogen to help you determine if this dietary supplement is right for you.

So what are the benefits of using it?

There are many reported benefits of stonecrop, some of which have been studied more than others. Here are a handful that are supported by science:

1. Helps manage stress

Rhodiola rosea is primarily an adaptogen, so according to definition, it helps your body adapt to stress. These potent herbs, often rich in antioxidants, can adjust to what your body needs – whether it’s a bit of energy when you’re tired, or a way to calm a stressful situation. They also help regulate cortisol levels to fend off fatigue. Some studies have also found that Rhodiola can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Doctors recommend Rhodiola to patients who are highly stressed and to those struggling with adrenal fatigue, as it supports your sympathetic nervous system – the stress control center of your body.”.

2. Can fight fatigue

One of the main reasons individuals decide to take Rhodiola is due to its energy-boosting and fatigue-fighting properties. According to a study that followed nursing students working shifts, Rhodiola helped them reduce their fatigue more than a placebo. Rhodiola also acts at the cellular level to combat mental fatigue. It can improve energy metabolism and increase the capacity of mitochondria to produce energy-rich compounds in the brain, as well as in muscles, liver, and blood.

3. Je to dobré pro mozek

Rhodiola rosea has also been shown to be beneficial for brain function and concentration. Another clinical study showed that participants who took Rhodiola rosea every morning were better able to fight burnout syndrome and maintain concentration throughout the day;

4. Can promote athletic endurance

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Rhodiola rosea is often used by endurance athletes due to its fatigue-fighting abilities. One clinical study, which followed young, healthy individuals taking it daily for four weeks, demonstrated increased endurance during exercise. Additionally, it was shown that the adaptogen enhances immune functions during prolonged physical activity, such as marathon running.

5. Can help with all-round recovery

Rhodiola isn’t just for elite athletes. It can be genuinely effective for individuals who are consistently physically active. Not only athletes but anyone who spends most of their day standing, walking a lot, lifting weights, and the like. As an adaptogen, it has been quite well explored in the realm of physical and mental performance. If it’s the right herb for you, you might experience improved physical or cognitive functions as well as better recovery from physical exertion. So, before you hit the gym, go for a run, or head out for a hike, consider taking a dose of Rhodiola rosea for extra support.

What dose should I take and in what form?

Rhodiola rosea comes in several forms – powder, tincture, extract, and pills – and also in supplements combined with other supplementary ingredients. As for dosage, start with small doses and gradually increase. For most individuals, the ideal dose ranges from 100 to 500 milligrams per day. If you don’t notice benefits, it might be worth exploring other options. In our online shop, we offer a convenient package – RHODIOLA ROSEA 60 capsules 500 mg.

It’s also important to remember that adaptogens generally work in your body over time, so try to incorporate them into your daily routine to achieve optimal benefits. Most people who take rhodiola will start to feel better within a few weeks to months, so be patient. If you want, you can take an occasional break to see if the herbs actually work.

It is often recommended to take adaptogens and herbs with healthy fats such as coconut oil to aid absorption.

Are there any side effects of rhodiola?

Adaptogens are widely considered safe and low risk, but there are definitely a few things to keep in mind before taking them on a daily basis. The side effects of Rhodiola rosea are rather limited, but a small group of participants in one study showed mild side effects such as headaches and insomnia.

Other side effects also included dry mouth and dizziness. If you experience these effects or any general discomfort after use, discontinue taking it. There might be an herb that provides similar benefits that your body welcomes more. Those taking blood pressure medications should also avoid using Rhodiola. Adaptogens are widely considered safe and low risk, but there are definitely a few things to keep in mind before taking them on a daily basis. The side effects of Rhodiola rosea are rather limited, but a small group of participants in one study showed mild side effects such as headaches and insomnia.

Bottom Line

Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen that has long been valued for its ability to increase energy, enhance mood, and aid in recovery. It is now available in various forms and is generally considered safe, although you should always consult with your doctor before adding a new supplement to your routine.

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